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Unplanned event, don't know when to occur in our life.....

>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Road accidents are common in Malaysia and around the globe... i found the video from youtube.... if you are interested to watch it... Just click Here

"Be Carefull, Accident Happens"... Click Here


save now, save later, but save something for retirement

>> Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"It is possible to make 50 trips around the sun and still go nowhere toward planning for retirement. Seems hard to believe, but it happens all the time.

Financial advisers report that many of their middle-aged clients have failed to set aside sufficient money to assure a comfortable life, or anything close to it, after their work is done.

"It's very common, especially among the middle class, because they're torn between paying for life today and saving for retirement," said Susan Hirshman, managing director of JPMorgan Asset Management in New York."

This is very interesting article, for more information, please read here


Save Now or Pay Later to Avoid Poor Retirement Years

I found out this simple article regarding the retirement days that will come sooner or later for everyone of us who are working in this world.....

"Most retirement experts say you need 70 percent to 80 percent of your pre-retirement income to maintain your lifestyle in retirement." By Mary Deibel, Scripps Howard News, June 12, 2005.

For more info, please read more the article here

That's what the retirement experts say-which means, if we fail to have 70 percent to 80 percent of our pre-retirement income, then we will be in trouble to maintain our lifestyle like before the retirement. Fail to plan for financial planning, especially for retirement is not an option. And the only option is we have to plan and save now or pay later to avoid poor retirement years. "years"could 10 or 1 or 20 or maybe 30 years life after we completely retired from service at governments or private sectors.

If we don't have enough money to maintain our lifestyle, then life is meaningless and nothing muchwe can do, as we are getting older, weak, always get illness, or worst no home to live with....... is that what kind of life that we want?


Hanya 36% rancang persaraan

"KUALA LUMPUR 19 Okt. – Hanya 36 peratus daripada pekerja di negara ini membuat perancangan awal bagi menghadapi persaraan mereka.

Sementara 84 peratus lagi gagal merancang masa depan selepas persaraan termasuk tidak berupaya menguruskan wang caruman dalam Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) dengan baik hingga menyebabkan ada antara mereka hidup miskin.

Menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh sebuah syarikat insurans punca utama pekerja gagal berbuat demikian kerana menganggap tempoh persaraan masih jauh lagi.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AXA Affin Life Insurance Berhad, Vincent Kwo berkata, akibatnya sebahagian besar pekerja terpaksa bergantung sepenuhnya kepada caruman tetap ke dalam Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) yang dipotong setiap bulan."

baca berita selanjutnya di SINI
Kita bukan merancang untuk gagal, namun kita gagal untuk merancang kewangan kita sebelum bersara. andai kata ia berlaku, tiada apa lagi yg mampu kita lakukan selain terus bergantung harap dengan bantuan khas, bantuan kebajikan dari kerajaan, atau bergantung dengan belas ehsan saudara mara yg berkemampuan untuk membantu kita setiap masa. Tapi sampai bila kita harus bergantung kepada mereka? kerna sampai masanya, mereka (saudara mara) juga akan pergi dari dunia ini.
Kehidupan selepas bersara seharusnya lebih indah seperti yg diimpikan hanya jika kita sebagai pekerja merancang kewangan dari awal tanpa perlu berlengah-lengah. masa itu emas,kita akan kerugian jika ia tidak digunakan dengan sepenuhnya...  takkan perlu bekerja lagi sepanjang masa bersara seperti ketika usia muda, lagipun tidak ramai majikan yg mahu memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada mereka yg sudah bersara, kecuali dalam bidang-bidang professional seperti doktor, menteri dan sebagainya.....
Biar merancang kewangan dari awal, agar gaya hidup seperti bersara adalah sama atau tetap seperti ketika sebelum bersara. Kegagalan bukanlah pilihan dalam hal ini, kerna kita tiada teknologi yg mampu membawa kita ke masa lepas bagi memperbaiki kesilapan lampau, iaitu gagal merancang kewangan dengan baik dan teratur.....
bertindak sekarang dan nikmati kehidupan yg diimpikan ketika bersara.... jika anda sudah merancang pun, tahniah!, namun sentiasa hubungi perancang kewangan anda yg terdekat bagi review perancangan kewangan anda setiap tahun bagi memastikan perancangan kewangan itu sentiasa berada di landasan yg betul dan selari dengan matlamat kewangan yang diperlukan....


Bekerja semula selepas Bersara Demi Menampung Kos kehidupan....

Terpaksa kerja semula tampung hidup

KUALA LUMPUR 19 Okt. – Kira- kira satu pertiga daripada pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) yang bersara terpaksa bekerja semula kerana gagal menguruskan kewangan mereka dengan baik bagi kegunaan hingga ke akhir hayat.

Berdasarkan pemantauan Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) tiga daripada 10 pencarum KWSP yang bersara terpaksa bekerja semula untuk meneruskan hidup mereka.

Golongan ini melakukan pelbagai pekerjaan termasuk menjadi pengawal keselamatan walaupun usia sudah meningkat.

Menurut Timbalan Pengerusi MTUC, Shafie BP Mammal, perkara sebegitu tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana simpanan para pesara terbabit sepatutnya cukup untuk menampung perbelanjaan kehidupan mereka.

Baca lebih lanjut di sini

inilah hakikatnya dan hal ini memang berlaku d mana-mana saja, termasuk di negara kita malaysia.. kita tidak pernah merancang untuk semua itu, namun sebenarnya kita gagal merancang dari awal-awal lagi terutamanya yg berkaitan dengan sumber kewangan semasa hari tua atau selepas bersara. Hakikatnya, kos kehidupan selepas bersara tetap sama seperti ketika bekerja, namun apa yg berkurang ialah sumber kewangan kita, kerna pesara yg memilih skim pencen hanya akan menerima separuh dari gaji asas terakhir mereka.

apabila ini berlaku, maka para pesara kita tiada pilihan lain, selain daripada mengurangkan segala perbelanjaan bulanan kepada separuh....jika masih ada pinjaman bank atau perumahan yg perlu dibayar selepas bersara, maka sesuatu perkara harus dilakukan demi melangsaikan segala hutang piutang yg masih ada, kerna sumber kewangan semakin berkurangan tapi kos kehidupan masih sama. bayangkan saja, selepas bersara, ada yg terpaksa kembali bekerja demi mencari sumber rezeki bagi menampung kos kehidupan yg semakin meningkat dari masa ke semasa.bukankah masa emas itu boleh digunakan untuk melakukan lain-lain perkara yg tidak dapat dlakukan semasa bekerja sepenuh masa dengan kerajaan.

bagi pekerja swasta pula, perancangan kewangan dari masa muda adalah amat perlu dan penting sekali demi membolehkan mereka hidup selesa atau sekurang-kurangnya mengekalkan gaya hidup seperti sebelum bersara. ini kerana, ketika ini majikan di sektor swasta tidak diharuskan untuk menyediakan skim pencen bagi pekerja mereka yg telah bersara. semua bergantung kepada EPF mereka. Mengikut kajian, wang epf boleh habis,dalam tempoh 3 tahun selepas bersara jika ia tidak diuruskan dengan baik. selepas itu, para pesara terpaksa mencari pekerjaan demi menampung kos kehidupan sehingga mereka meninggal dunia... ketika itu, sudah terlambat bagi kita untuk menyesali akan kegagalan untuk merancang kewangan dengan baik dari awal2 lagi semasa usia masih muda dan tenaga masih kuat untuk bekerja....

sekarang, jika diberi pilihan, yg mana satu pilihan anda, mahu merancang kewangan dari awal atau bertangguh sehingga ke saat akhir sebelum bersara? kerna hidup selepas bersara, jika tanpa perancangan yg baik, adalah seperti hidup sebelum kita belum mendapat kerja ketika baru mencari kerja dulu, tiada wang, tiada harta atau apa saja yg boleh dibanggakan.. bezanya selepas bersara, usia semakin meningkat dan tenaga pun sudah berkurangan tetapi kos kehidupan semakin meningkat dan tiada siapa yg peduli akan kebajikan kita....


Pencarum jangan ghairah guna skim pengeluaran KWSP

>> Saturday, December 19, 2009


JIKA hari ini anda mempunyai wang RM1 juta, beringat-ingatlah ia belum pasti akan bertambah, sebaliknya ia boleh mendorong anda kembali menjadi miskin. Perkara ini sudah terjadi kepada seorang ibu tua di Kampung Felda LBJ, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.

Semua ini kerana pemegang wang itu tidak bijak mengurus kewangannya. Begitu juga pengalaman yang terjadi kepada ribuan pesara yang telah mengeluarkan wang carumannya di dalam Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP).

Bukan suatu yang pelik apabila wang KWSP yang disimpan sejak muda hingga bersara, dalam masa yang singkat boleh habis begitu sahaja. Daripada angan- angan untuk merasa nikmat menjadi orang kaya, ia juga mampu mengubah kita bertukar menjadi miskin.

Daripada penyelidikan KWSP, 60 peratus wang pesara dihabiskan dalam tempoh tiga dan empat tahun sahaja selepas dikeluarkan. Sedangkan jangka hayat rakyat negara ini sekarang boleh mencecah hingga usia 75 tahun.

Wang simpanan daripada 23 peratus gaji bulanan pekerja itu sewajarnya diperuntukkan untuk faedah diri pencarum sendiri apabila tidak bekerja lagi pada masa tua.

Bagaimanapun ada pencarum yang menggunakan wang KWSP mereka untuk anak-anak seperti membeli motosikal dan mengadakan majlis perkahwinan, menyebabkan wang mereka habis begitu sahaja.

Apabila wang habis, anak-anak tidak mahu menjaga mereka lalu terpaksa pula minta bantuan daripada Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.

Jika demikian aliran pengurusan kewangan majoriti pesara yang berumur 55 tahun bagi sektor swasta dan 56 tahun (sektor awam), bagaimana mereka ingin meneruskan kehidupan untuk 20 tahun lagi. Ini ditambah lagi dengan kos barangan keperluan dan kesihatan yang kian meningkat.

Semua ini terletak pada diri pencarum, baik yang berumur muda ataupun masuk ke pintu persaraan untuk beringat-ingat sebelum menyesal kemudian hari.

Hakikatnya sejak beberapa tahun ini banyak godaan supaya pencarum mengeluarkan wang simpanan hari tua mereka. Wujudnya skim pengeluaran untuk bayaran pendahuluan dan baki pinjaman perumahan, skim pengeluaran pendidikan dan kesihatan serta skim pelaburan unit amanah.

KWSP memang bermurah hati memberi kelonggaran kepada pencarum untuk mengeluarkan simpanan mereka tetapi ada yang menyalahgunakannya.

Pemikiran masyarakat pencarum negara kita mudah dibaca. Jika wujud kemudahan pengeluaran wang KWSP, seboleh-boleh mereka akan melakukannya walaupun keperluannya tidak mendesak.

Banyak alasan boleh diberikan misalnya untuk mengurangkan beban hutang ataupun beban kewangan lain yang seharusnya perlu diselesaikan tanpa mengharapkan wang KWSP.

Pencarum perlu tanya mengenai kemampuan diri sebelum memilih sama ada mengeluarkan wang caruman untuk skim pengeluaran yang disediakan atau biar sahaja disimpan untuk kegunaan masa selepas bersara kelak.

Dalam keadaan usia warga emas, seseorang pencarum memerlukan sumber kewangan. Tetapi bagi golongan yang malas berfikir tentang takdirnya di hari tua, pengeluaran daripada KWSP merupakan jalan singkat dan terbaik untuk mencari penyelesaian.

Mereka mudah lupa, biasanya institusi-institusi kewangan berada dalam keadaan sukar untuk memberikan pinjaman kepada mereka yang telah berumur.

Bukan untuk menghalang sesetengah pencarum yang memerlukan wang KWSP mereka untuk tujuan pelaburan, misalnya membeli rumah ataupun membeli unit- unit saham amanah yang boleh mendatangkan pulangan kepada mereka ketika dividen daripada simpanan dalam KWSP sekitar lima peratus berbanding lapan peratus tahap tertingginya dahulu.

Memang di atas kertas dan jika dilihat pada situasi sekarang, semua skim itu boleh membantu pencarum. Tetapi jika dipandang jauh-jauh, tidak banyak membantu pencarum apabila jumlah simpanan hari tua itu bertambah susut jumlahnya.

Bagi golongan berpendapatan tinggi penggunaan wang KWSP untuk tujuan itu tidak begitu dirasai berbanding golongan berpendapatan rendah.

Oleh kerana banyak godaan pengeluaran yang dibenarkan oleh KWSP sekarang, kita mengharapkan satu skim seumpama skim pencen sektor awam diperkenalkan untuk pekerja swasta.

Kita tertanya-tanya mengenai cadangan kerajaan untuk mewujudkan Pelan Pencen Swasta yang pernah dikemukakan pada 2005. Bilakah ia dapat dilaksanakan?

Jika ia dilaksanakan, biarlah KWSP menguruskannya walaupun diakui ada kalanya dividen yang diberikan turun dan naik tetapi kredibiliti mereka sebagai badan pelaburan masih berada pada tahap yang tinggi. Eloklah pelan itu dijayakan bagi memastikan kehidupan pesara tidak terabai dan jatuh miskin.

Namun sebelum ia difikirkan semula oleh kerajaan, 11 juta pencarum KWSP mesti menyedari wang caruman merupakan untuk simpanan hari tua mereka, oleh itu janganlah ghairah untuk mengeluarkan wang itu sekarang.

(sumber: Utusan Malaysia)


Insurance Info

>> Friday, December 18, 2009

For your info, you can get lots of valuable information regarding life insurances and other things. For more info please lo on here


Refinancing Your Home Loan

>> Thursday, December 17, 2009

by By KH Ng

With the present global economic situation, most people are seeking to lower their bills from home mortgages to personal credit cards. As home mortgages is one of the most expensive investments for any individual and its long time nature, refinancing home loans may be the best option to reduce these debts and make living a little easier.

What is home loan refinance? It is a new loan taken out by a borrower to pay off the original loan; usually done with better interest rates or terms. Currently, low interest rates have created a mortgage refinance boom. With the significantly reduced rates, the decision to refinance is “cherry pie” for homeowners.

By refinancing your home loan, you can get extra cash by taking advantage of your property's appreciating value to obtain a longer loan amount. In a nutshell, the refinanced loan pays off your current home loan and you can utilize the balance to fund whatever you wish.

If your home loan is more than several years old, it is likely that you are servicing your loan at a higher interest rate than what is on offer by financial institutions today. What may have been the proper loan and payment plan many years ago, may no longer fit an individual's current circumstances.

However, with the many competitive home loans products available in the market today, especially one that will cover any refinancing costs, exploring refinancing makes good financial sense at any point in the tenure of your home loan. The following are several good reasons why home owners would benefit from switching their current loan to a new loan with lower interest rates: -

• A lower monthly repayment.
• Save thousands of ringgit on interest.
• Reduce your term and pay off your mortgage earlier.
• Convert your equity to cash.
• Cash-out options will allow you to finance your children's education and also
to fund your business or investment.
• Switch from conventional housing loan with variable rate to a fixed rate loan or
Islamic Loan (or vice versa).

If home mortgage refinance is the best way to save money and avoid high monthly repayments, then it is important to do a proper research to secure the best refinancing loan packages and get a good understanding of any hidden costs in any home loan products. Certain refinance options contain transaction fees and other penalties for early payment. These plans should be avoided at all cost. This will only defeat the purpose of the refinancing and restructuring process by making a bad decision. The last thing an individual needs is to embark on a financial journey which is worse than before.

Hence, considering refinancing your home loan could be a worthwhile effort to save your hard-earned money and give the financial independence you so crave for in this time of uncertainties.



Beringat sebelum kena - Wan Chik


SELEPAS setahun hidup bersendirian, wanita yang hampir mencecah 70 tahun ini masih mampu tersenyum. Pemeriksaan kesihatan yang tidak pernah putus antara petua dia masih cergas dan sihat.

Wan Chik Othman mengakui mutu kesihatannya menurun memandangkan usianya semakin meningkat.

Namun, dia bersyukur kerana dia sudah mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga, beringat sebelum kena.

Ketika bertugas di di Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) dulu, dia wajib melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan sekurang-kurangnya setahun sekali.

Selepas pencen pada umur 55 tahun, Wan Chik semakin sedar tentang pentingnya menjaga kesihatan.

Ibu kepada empat orang anak ini tidak lupa membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan setiap enam bulan sekali.

Memandangkan ibunya menghidap kencing manis dan bapa ada sakit jantung, Wan Chik sedar dia juga mempunyai risiko penyakit yang sama.

Justeru itu, dia sentiasa peka tentang kesihatan diri dan maklumat pelbagai penyakit.

"Kita berusaha untuk mengawal penyakit dan Alhamdulillah saya dapat melakukannya. Cuma tiga tahun lalu. saya baru hendak dapat kencing manis. Sejak itu, saya lebih prihatin tentang kesihatan saya," ujarnya yang ditemui di teratak R.W, Taman Keramat AU3, Kuala Lumpur.

Sedikit kecewa dengan sikap masyarakat, Wan Chik berpendapat, ramai yang malas buat pemeriksaan kesihatan khususnya pada usia muda.

"Inilah realitinya, kadang-kadang kanser hanya dapat dikesan pada tahap lewat. Masyarakat harus disaran untuk membuat pemeriksaan. Misalnya, bagi mereka yang berkahwin, lakukan pemeriksaan pap smear setiap tahun untuk mengesan kanser pangkal rahim. Saya sendiri melakukan mamogram dua tahun sekali untuk pemeriksaan kanser payu dara," jelasnya.

Sebagai wanita yang semakin meningkat usia, Wan Chik sering mendapatkan nasihat doktor. Baginya, pesakit perlu mendapat khidmat nasihat pakar untuk menjamin kesihatan yang baik.

Terbaru, doktor mendapati tahap kolestrol Wan Chik tidak menentu. Atas nasihat doktor, setiap minggu, dia akan pergi farmasi untuk memeriksa tahap kolestrol.

Jika tahap kolestrol tinggi, Wan Chik akan berpantang ketika makan.

"Oleh itu, saya akan tidak makan daging. Sekarang, saya hanya makan nasi seminggu sekali. Dulu, saya tidak minat makan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Tetapi atas nasihat doktor, saya perlu utamakan makanan sihat ini. Berbeza dengan buah-buahan luar negara, kebanyakan buah-buahan tempatan manis. Sebab itu, saya gemar makan jambu batu kerana ia kurang manis," katanya.


Apabila berisiko menghidap penyakit dan berusia lanjut, Wan Chik menyedari dia tidak boleh silap makan.

Tambahnya, dulu dia suka makanan manis seperti tapai dan aiskrim. Kebetulan makanan itu sentiasa ada, dia mudah memperolehinya. Kini, dia terpaksa melupakan segalanya.

Wan Chik sentiasa mengingatkan dirinya, manusia mudah dijangkiti dan perlu melakukan pemeriksaan berkala.

Itulah rahsia kesihatannya yang sentiasa diamal sejak muda lagi.

"Sekarang saya gembira kerana pada usia 70 tahun, saya boleh memandu kereta. Dalam pada itu, selain penjagaan kesihatan, kita perlu perbanyakkan aktiviti fizikal.

Apabila berusia ini, kita tidak kerap buat senaman. Dulu setiap minggu saya akan menari poco-poco. Ia tarian pergaulan rakyat yang baik untuk kesihatan. Dengan menari, kita berpeluh menjadi sihat dan menjalin hubungan sosial dengan orang lain," ujarnya yang baru sahaja mengadakan majlis ulang tahun perkahwinannya dengan M. Rajoli.

Selain itu, penjagaan kesihatan fizikal, Wan Chik tidak lupa mengamalkan kesihatan rohani.

Setiap minggu, dia akan mengisi jadual hariannya dengan aktiviti mengaji al-Quran di beberapa buah tempat.

Baginya, duduk keseorangan membuatkan dia sedar tentang pentingnya bekalan dunia dan akhirat.

Apabila berjiwa tenang, Wan Chik yakin ia mempengaruhi kesihatan fizikal seseorang.

"Saya ada seorang rakan yang menghadapai tekanan jiwa. Situasi itu menyebabkan dia menghidap tekanan darah tinggi dan akhirnya, strok. Ini menyedarkan saya tentang pentingnya menjaga kesihatan dalaman (jiwa)," ujarnya.

Sebagai seorang yang mementingkan kesihatan, Wan Chik tidak pernah lupa mendapatkan maklumat kesihatan terkini. Pada masa lapang, dia gemar membaca suratkhabar dan majalah untuk menambah ilmu tentang kesihatan.

Baginya, ilmu ini tidak akan diperolehi di sekolah. Justeru itu, amalan membaca bahan ilmiah amat penting.

Mengakhiri bicara, Wan Chik menasihatkan golongan muda agar menjaga pemakanan, lakukan banyak aktiviti fizikal dan lakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan berkala.

Tambahnya, jangan terlalu tekanan walaupun banyak kerja dan carilah peluang untuk berehat.

Sempena Aidiladha, Wan Chik yang telah menunaikan haji sebanyak tiga kali tidak pernah melupakan pengorbanan suaminya.

Baginya, lelaki ini adalah guru dan pembimbing dunia serta akhirat.

Mengimbau kisah silam, Wan Chik bersyukur kerana sempat menjaga M Rajoli yang menghidap kanser di kelenjar otak atau lymphoma dan disahkan lemah saraf sehingga menyukarkannya bergerak.

Dalam pada itu, melalui Persatuan Wanita Islam (Pewanis), Wan Chik mengalu-alukan wanita yang ingin mendapatkan vaksin kanser rahim pada kadar rendah menghubunginya di talian 012-3038680.

Pewanis yang dipengerusikan Datuk Azlina Che Abdullah telah mengadakan kempen kesedaran tentang pencegahan kanser kedua berbahaya ini.

(sumber: utusan malaysia)


Timbang nasib pekerja kontrak


DALAM keadaan politik dan ekonomi yang stabil, sektor awam merupakan cabang pekerjaan yang menjadi rebutan. Ia ditambah dengan pelbagai kelebihan lain yang dalam kebanyakan sudut jauh lebih baik berbanding sektor swasta.

Ketika ini dianggarkan terdapat seramai 1.2 juta orang pekerja yang berkhidmat di sektor awam. Jumlah itu tidak termasuk kira-kira 60,000 lagi pekerja yang berkhidmat secara kontrak. Bagi sebuah pentadbiran negara yang kukuh, jumlah pekerja kontrak itu boleh dianggap tinggi.

Kerana itu, timbul desakan supaya kerajaan mengkaji semula kedudukan pekerja kontrak itu dan menyerap mereka ke jawatan tetap. Antara yang lantang bersuara sudah semestinya Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (CUEPACS).

Kebimbangan CUEPACS itu sebenarnya lebih kepada kedudukan ekonomi pekerja. Lebih-lebih lagi dalam suasana ekonomi yang suram ketika ini. Persaingan untuk mendapatkan kerja baru sudah semestinya sangat sukar apatah lagi dianggarkan sekurang-kurang 500,000 orang memasuki dunia pekerjaan saban tahun.

Lebih malang, ada pekerja kontrak itu yang sudah berkeluarga dan mempunyai komitmen kewangan yang besar. Hilang pekerjaan dalam tempoh-tempoh yang sukar seperti ini pastinya lebih menyulitkan kehidupan mereka.

Bagi CUEPACS penyerapan pekerja kontrak ke jawatan tetap perlu diutamakan demi menjamin manfaat yang sewajarnya kepada kumpulan pekerja tersebut. Ia terutamanya kemudahan pencen apabila bersara yang diperlukan dalam meneruskan kelangsungan hidup.

CUEPACS juga bimbang dengan nasib pekerja kontrak yang boleh diberhentikan kerana gagal dalam penilaian prestasi meskipun selepas lama berkhidmat. Apatah lagi apabila terdapat ketua yang bertindak secara tidak profesional dan menggunakan jawatan kontrak itu untuk mengugut pekerja.

Diskriminasi lain terhadap pekerja kontrak yang dilaporkan juga termasuk bayaran yang tidak sama dan tidak memberikan bonus seperti yang dinikmati oleh pekerja tetap. Selain itu mereka juga tidak diberikan latihan secara formal dan penafian lain terhadap hak-hak pekerja.

Justeru, adalah wajar bagi kerajaan untuk menimbangkan tuntutan CUEPACS itu dengan menyerap pekerja kontrak supaya nasib mereka dibela seadilnya. Lebih daripada itu, penyerapan tersebut juga memberi manfaat kepada kerajaan kerana kebanyakan daripada mereka adalah pekerja terlatih dan berpengalaman.

Cadangan menghapuskan sistem pekerjaan kontrak dalam sektor awam dilihat kurang sesuai untuk dilaksanakan. Seperti yang dikongsi oleh pemerhati sosial, Mohd Na'eim Ajis, kumpulan pekerja itu juga sudah mahir dengan struktur organisasi kerajaan.

Kerajaan juga katanya, dapat berjimat dalam soal kos latihan dan pembangunan staf di sesebuah agensi.

"Jangan disebabkan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan oleh sesetengah pihak tidak betul, sistem kontrak ini hendak dihapuskan," ujar pensyarah di Kolej Undang-Undang, Kerajaan dan Pengajian Antarabangsa Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) itu.

Bagaimanapun di pihak kerajaan juga ada alasan yang munasabah. Sistem kontrak baik di sektor awam mahupun swasta dapat mengurangkan kos dan meningkatkan produktiviti. Majikan mempunyai liabiliti yang tinggi jika mengambil pekerja tetap terutamanya dari sudut faedah pekerjaan yang perlu disediakan berbanding pekerja kontrak.

Ini sudah tentu akan meningkatkan kos operasi sesebuah organisasi atau syarikat. Faktor bajet ini jugalah yang menjadi punca kepada ketidaktentuan nasib sebilangan pekerja kontrak di agensi kerajaan yang dilaporkan akan ditamatkan perkhidmatan mereka awal bulan depan.

Malah, dalam hal ini juga kerajaan sudah memainkan peranan sewajarnya apabila terdapat pekerja kontrak itu merupakan pekerja yang terjejas sewaktu krisis ekonomi awal tahun lalu. Justeru perkara ini menuntut kepada persefahaman yang tinggi dan adil, baik di pihak pekerja mahu pun kerajaan.

Bagaimanapun untuk jangka masa panjang, sistem perkhidmatan kontrak wajar diperhalusi supaya hak pekerja dapat dilindungi dan produktiviti sektor awam juga dapat dipertingkatkan. Bagi Naem, beberapa cadangan boleh dipertimbangkan kerajaan dalam mendatangkan kebaikan kepada kedua-dua pihak.

Pertamanya kata beliau, kerajaan boleh mewujudkan unit mengambil, mengurus, memantau dan mengkoordinasi sistem pekerjaan kontrak. Ini bertujuan menguruskan sektor itu secara telus dan adil.

Kuasa mutlak kepada ketua jabatan juga ujar beliau, wajar dipertimbangkan. Ini termasuk dalam soal menentukan dan mempertimbangkan seseorang pekerja diserap ke jawatan tetap, dilanjutkan kontrak atau sebaliknya.

"Pengurangan kuasa ini akan memberi ruang kepada pekerja untuk bersaing secara sihat dan ketua jabatan juga tidak dipersalahkan jika sistem ini mempunyai masalah," katanya.

Kedua, tempoh kontrak yang ditawarkan juga tidak boleh kurang dari tiga tahun. Ini bagi mengelakkan pekerja kontrak tidak diperkotak-katikkan oleh ketua jabatan terutama dalam aspek kenaikkan gaji. Dalam hal ini, kerajaan perlu memastikan jika pekerja kontrak disambung perkhidmatannya, gaji yang dalam kontrak sebelumnya diambil kira.

Ketiga, perkhidmatan seseorang pekerja berstatus kontrak perlu mempunyai tempoh matang tertentu supaya dapat diserap ke jawatan tetap jika menunjukkan prestasi yang cemerlang.

Sebagai contoh, kerajaan boleh menetapkan lima tahun bagi tempoh matang pekerja kontrak dan selepas itu ia perlu dipertimbangkan untuk diserapkan ke jawatan tetap. Dengan syarat ia telah menunjukkan prestasi yang cemerlang untuk tiga tahun berturut-turut.

"Tempoh matang ini perlu supaya seseorang pekerja kontrak itu tidak terus dianiaya oleh ketua jabatannya yang tidak mahu mengesahkan jawatannya sampai bila-bila," ujar Naem.

Keempat, setiap perjanjian kontrak yang melibatkan pekerjaan sama ada di sektor swasta atau kerajaan perlu ada badan yang pemantau. Jika di sektor awam pihak yang lebih berhak ialah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) dan disektor swasta pula Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Pemantauan dan penilaian terhadap dokumen kontrak pekerjaan itu jelas Naem, bagi memastikan majikan tidak sewenang-wenangnya menganiaya pekerja yang diambil dengan meletakkan syarat-syarat yang boleh menyusahkan pekerja.

Kerajaan juga perlu memastikan tidak berlaku diskriminasi terhadap pekerja-pekerja sektor awam yang bekerja di organisasi yang telah diswastakan.

"Ini kerana ada antara mereka mendapat layanan tidak adil dan faedah dikurangkan oleh majikan baru," katanya. Justeru dalam hal ini, pendekatan terbaik ialah satu resolusi mengenai layanan yang adil perlu ditandatangani di antara pihak majikan dan pekerja sebelum pertukaran hak milik dilakukan.

Ini bagi membolehkan ia menjadi bukti komitmen kedua-kedua belah pihak terutama dalam menangani isu-isu pekerjaan yang timbul.



We all need to become millionaires



One must have cash reserves of about RM1mil to be able to maintain one’s current lifestyle 20 years after retirement

Ooi Kok Hwa: The key principle here is we need to have cash reserves of more than RM1mil to be able to maintain our current lifestyle 20 years after retirement.

WE need to become millionaires when we retire! A lot of people have misconceptions about being millionaires. To them, being a millionaire means they should own total assets – by adding up their total cash, house, Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) contribution and car – that are worth RM1mil and above.

They believe that once they achieve one million cash, they should enjoy themselves by driving big luxury cars and staying in bungalows.

In reality, all of us need to become millionaires when we retire at age 55. Based on our computation, we need to own total cash, including all money in savings, fixed deposits and EPF, which have total value of more than RM1mil.

The key principle here is we need to have cash reserves of more than RM1mil to be able to maintain our current lifestyle 20 years after retirement from age 55 to age 75. This is on the assumption that we can live up to 75 (the average lifespan of Malaysians).

Based on our computation (see table), if you are now 35 years old and your current monthly expenses are RM3,000 per month, assuming you are only able to generate a return of 3% (the return from fixed deposits) on all of your savings and the RM3,000 will grow by the average historical inflation rate of 3.5% per annum, you would need RM1.6mil when you retire at age 55.

This amount will be enough to maintain your current lifestyle for the next 20 years after your retirement at 55.

However, if you need to spend RM5,000, RM7,000 or RM10,000 per month, then you need RM2.6mil, RM3.7mil and RM5.3mil respectively at your retirement age of 55.

In short, you need to become a millionaire when you retire even if you only maintain a simple lifestyle after your retirement. You will not be able to use this money to buy a big luxury car or a bungalow, as you really need the money for the next 20 years.

Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko have conducted research on the reasons why some Americans become wealthy. They discovered that a lot of them live well below their means.

Unfortunately, we notice that some Malaysians do not have enough money when they retire. Some of them may not be aware that they really need to accumulate that amount of money when they retire. Some may be aware, but they may have used up all their savings to support their children’s education. As a result, they need to find a job after retirement.

Some may have difficulties finding a job. A lot of companies may prefer to employ a young graduate rather than a retiree unless the latter is willing to accept a lower pay.

We also believe that a lot of investors are quite worried about having enough money for retirement. They are also concerned that their money may not be enough to protect them against inflation. Hence, besides controlling our expenses, we also need to know how to grow our money.

Looking at the table, different minimum achievable annual target returns can provide different required amounts for retirement.

For the current monthly expenses of RM3,000, if you are only able to generate a 3% return per annum, then you need to have RM1.6mil for retirement whereas you only need about RM900,000 if you are able to generate a return of 10%.

However, higher returns come with higher risks. We need to understand our risk tolerance level. We need to equip ourselves with adequate investing knowledge if we intend to generate higher returns.

·Ooi Kok Hwa is an investment adviser licensed by the Securities Commission and is managing partner of MRR Consulting. We welcome readers’ feedback. Please e-mail to



How to accumulate enough money for retirement

Personal Investing - By Ooi Kok Hwa

Wealth for retirement, How to earn 30-year investment returns with different savings amounts and rates

ON Jan 28, we have written an article on We all need to become millionaires. That article explained that we need to have cash reserves of about RM1mil to be able to maintain our current lifestyle 20 years after retirement.

Some readers responded and would like to know more on how to accumulate enough money for their retirement.

In this article, we will look into 30-year investment returns with different savings amounts and rate of returns. Our computation is based on the assumption that we start investing at the age of 25 and intend to retire at 55.

·Based on how much rate of returns you can achieve

The table shows that if we save RM100 per month and invest the money into fixed deposits (FD), assuming the FD can provide about 3% return over the next 30 years, our investment portfolio will reach RM58,274 when we reach 55.

However, if we can generate 5%, 7% and 10% returns, our investment portfolio will achieve RM83,226, RM121,997 and RM226,049 respectively.

The EPF may be able to provide us about 5% whereas unit trust investments may be able to give us 7% to 10% returns over a very long-term period.

Assuming that we treat the 3% FD return as our risk-free rate, any extra returns above this rate will be the risk premium for the additional risk that we are prepared to face.

Therefore, we need to understand our risk tolerance level before considering any type of risky investment.

We should ask ourselves whether we are willing to accept the uncertainty of return that is inherent in those investments.

Besides, we need to understand whether we can afford to have our savings tied up for a long period before we can achieve our investment targets.

·Based on how much you save and not how much you earn

We agree that when you earn more money, you should have more money for your investments. Unfortunately, some investors are unable to save even though they earn high salaries.

From the table, we can see that if we are able to save RM500 per month in FD, assuming a 3% return per annum, our investment portfolio will reach RM291,368 when we retire at age 55, five times higher than the savings of RM100 per month.

Hence, if we can cut down on our expenses and live below our means, we should have more money to save.

We should always ask ourselves whether we want to spend money on unnecessary luxury items to keep up with the Jones or be more frugal and spend less to achieve financial freedom earlier.

The question on how to generate high returns is frequently asked by readers. Unfortunately, there is no straight-forward answer to this.

We can equip ourselves with strong financial and investing knowledge which helps us in making better investment decision that will eventually translate into better returns.

To do so, we need to be interested in the economic and business activities around us.

For those who are beginning to learn about investing, you can go to any bookstore to look for investment books that you can comprehend to build up the foundation.

Remember that there is no point in buying books written by top investment gurus in the world if you cannot understand what it is trying to tell.

Once you have built up your knowledge, you should be able to digest the financial information and do your own research in investment.

Ooi Kok Hwa is an investment adviser and managing partner of MRR Consulting



Employment after 55 becoming a trend as living costs rise



HOW to stretch your ringgit when you hit 55? Continue to work is the answer. The current financial crisis is a clear message that we need to work longer to ensure that we have money to live through retirement if we cannot depend on investments for financial security.

Imagine if we face a similar crisis when some of us are in our 50s, 60s or 70s? What will happen to our retirement money?

Even if our investments are not affected by the crisis, it can still be financially challenging for some to live through old age, especially in this world of consumerism and rising cost of living, coupled with the smaller family nucleus, having kids at older age, broken families, divorces, being a widow and single parenthood.

There will come a time when retirees need to work again, not for passion but for the money. Therefore, the ability to work and the opportunity to be employed beyond 55 are necessary. This is evident in Singapore and Japan.

Singapore will put in place a new law in 2012 that requires firms to rehire workers beyond the retirement age of 62.

Japan’s pensionable age is being lifted gradually from 60 to 65 because Japanese workers are finding it increasingly necessary to continue working after retirement to help defray the rising cost of living as well as to cope with shrinking pensions.

The gradual revision started in 2001 and is due to be completed in 2013. Under the law, employers can choose from three ways to extend the employment of workers.

The most popular option is to keep the retirement age at 60 and re-employ workers after they retire, as this entails minimal changes to hiring policies. Some companies prefer the second option of raising the retirement age to match the pensionable age.

McDonald’s Japan is one of the few companies that have adopted the third option – eliminating the retirement age altogether. The country’s largest hamburger chain even has workers in their 70s and early 80s at its outlets.

In Malaysia, many have to retire at 55. Some choose to retire early, with the hope of enjoying life or finding better financial prospects with other jobs or through businesses. There are cases of retirees failing to make money doing business and ending up using up large portions of their retirement funds to sustain their businesses.

Unless a person is equipped with entrepreneurial skills, abilities, networking, knowledge and experience to do something that can make money, his safest option is to continue to be employed.

However, even if we want to continue working after 55, there is the employability issue. Most companies are not keen to employ people who are approaching their 50s unless they have special skills, valuable knowledge and experience, reputation, recognition or good connections. People who lack the suitable criteria will disappear from the employment radar.

It does look like a chicken-and-egg situation. Do we need to first urge employers to extend the employment age beyond 55 or should employees first demonstrate keenness to continue working past 55?

Unless we have the means to continue growing our money, we may not be able to see the silver lining beyond those grey clouds.

For a better tomorrow, we should seriously look into employment after 55. Employers need to consider extending the employment age to at least 65.

We should also have headhunters and employment portals for people in their mid-40s and above, making it easy to match employees and employers in this target market.

Living through middle age and into retirement can be challenging. At work, we either experience being productive or we are in stagnation. Therefore, it is good for human resources personnel to conduct training-needs analyses for employees aged 40 and above so as to identify programmes to upgrade skills, promote motivation and instill confidence.

I would also suggest health education programmes on the ageing process and active living for the employees to prepare for transition to their “Third Age”. This is because hormonal changes (menopause for women and andropause for men) can affect employees’ moods, emotions, self-esteem and motivation at work.

Last but not forgotten, financial programmes on personal money management, financial products and how to invest money wisely are important soft skills training. After all, money is a reason for working.

● Yip is a personal financial coach and also founder and CEO of Abacus for Money



Pay the pensioners their dues

I have been reading many articles about poor pensioners. Since there is no organisation that can fight for our rights, I suppose we have to fight our case as individuals.

As for those who have spoken against the pensioners being paid, why are so many against us? Is it your money we are asking for? Just be reminded that we are only asking for our money that we have worked for with blood, sweat and tears.

When we applied to join the government service in the 60s and 70s, it was clearly stated in the service scheme that we were eligible for free medical, and that pension and gratuity would be paid based on the number of months we have worked. And now that has been denied us. Is this fair?

Secondly, in The Star on Nov 14, PSD post service director Datuk Yeoh said the Government cannot afford to pay the pensioners as it would cost the Government RM315mil of taxpayers’ money. Did he take into consideration how many millions the Government has saved by not paying us what was offered to us over the last 14 years?

It will be more noble to pay the pensioners what we are asking for than to pay the “cheats” millions of ringgit as mentioned in the A-G’s Report. I sincerely hope our dear Prime Minister will take over the reins and pay us what we have worked for and what we were offered by the same (Barisan) government 14 years ago.

Frustrated Pensioner,




Pensioner can’t afford to junk old car

Pensioner can’t afford to junk old car

I AM a retired civil servant aged 67 years old and I drive a Datsun 120Y which I bought new in 1980. I am still using the car.

It is in top condition because of regular maintenance.

With the new regulation requiring cars over 15 years to be sent for inspection before road tax is issued, what will happen if my car does not get approval because it is about 30 years old?

I cannot afford to buy a new car as my only source of income now is my pension.

No finance company will give me a car loan because of my age and so I will have to go to a loan shark to get a loan and be forever in debt if I want to buy a newer car.

Is this what 1Malaysia all about? People first?



* Lucky enough, the government decided not to implement the new policy on old car.


Retirement: It's going to cost you

Most people have grossly underestimated how much they'll need to save for their golden years.
March 28, 2005: 11:56 AM EST

By Sarah Max, CNN/Money Staff Writer

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Americans spend a lot of time fantasizing about all the fun they'll have when they retire. But the daydreams almost never include the ugly reality: just how much those extended vacations are going to cost.

According to a 2003 survey by the American Savings Education Council (ASEC), more than half of all workers anticipate they'll need less than 70 percent of their pre-retirement income during their golden years – an estimate that's unrealistic for even the most disciplined budgeters.

"People often wrongly assume that their expenses are going to come down when they retire, but in fact they often go up," said Don Blandin, ASEC's president. "Depending on how long you live, the kinds of medical problems you have and the kind of lifestyle you want, you may need 120 percent of your current income during retirement."

Golf clubs don't grow on trees

One the first mistakes people make when it comes to retirement planning, or lack of it, is not coming up with a good estimate for how much they need to have in the bank before they can quit work for good.

"Rather than just saving blindly, you need to have a realistic end goal in mind," said Blandin, noting that only one third of Americans say they have calculated what they'll need to retire.

To get to that end goal you need to first get a grip on how much you'll be spending each year of your retirement. The minimum amount most often quoted by financial planners is 70 percent of what you earned each year during your peak earning years. But that percentage, says Blandin, assumes that you've paid off most big-ticket expenses, including your home.

"For most people who retire at age 65, their spending will stay the same because what they spent on suits and mortgage payments they're now spending on golf clubs and travel," said Tom Grzymala, a principal with Alexandria Financial Associates. "Their spending might drop a little as they get older but then medical bills will probably bring it back up again."

The big hurdle -- healthcare

In 2002, Americans age 65 and older spent an average of $3,586 on healthcare, representing about 12 percent of their total out-of-pocket expenses, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That share is expected only to increase as healthcare costs rise faster than benefits. Retirees often depend on employer-sponsored health plans to supplement their Medicare coverage. But among large employers with healthcare benefits for retirees, 20 percent say they are likely to stop offering such coverage to future retirees within the next three years, according to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Hewitt Associates. Meanwhile, the majority of employers plan to raise retirees' premiums and prescription drug co-payments over the next three years.

"With more companies not providing healthcare those employees are going to have to figure out how to pay for healthcare," said Blandin, who recommends that anyone who needs a reality check on healthcare costs need only look at the full price of their prescription drugs. "The increase in health care and a longer life expectancy is what could easily eat away at whatever source of income you have in retirement."

While a long life is a blessing, it can throw a loop in your retirement plans if you live longer than you've accounted for in your savings. A healthy 30-year-old woman can expect to live into her 90s, according to Northwestern Mutual's Longevity Game. Unless she stays in good health, she may be living some of these years in a long-term care facility.

"In my state the price of a long-term care facility is now $42,000 to $50,000 a year and is expected to be around $100,000 in 10 years and $200,000 in 20 years," said George Heppner, a certified financial planner in Bend, Oregon. "Few people are prepared to deal with that kind of cost unless they buy long-term care insurance when they're young and it's still affordable."

Do the math yourself

A million dollars certainly seems like a lot of money. But someone who now earns $70,000, hopes to retire in 25 years at age 65 and live until age 90 on 80 percent of his pre-retirement income, will actually need to save $1.3 million to carry him through.

That estimate even assumes that Social Security kicks in an extra $19,000 a year during retirement. But planners warn that the program is likely to undergo some big changes between now and when most people retire. In fact, Alan Greenspan recently said that "significant structural adjustments" to Social Security and Medicare may be in needed in order to deal with the country's budget deficit.

"Even some of us boomers aren't counting much on Social Security," said Blandin. "If anything it should be a little icing on the cake."

Don't just sit there

For most people, the primary source of income in retirement will be what they've saved in their employers' 401(k), 403(b) or 457 plans. But while the majority of large employers offer such plans, only 71 percent of workers say they have saved anything for retirement, according to ASEC.

Those who are saving in their employers' plans are contributing, on average, just 6.8 percent of their pre-tax income, according to Hewitt Associates. Unless you make more than $190,000 a year, you'll need to save more than that before you run up against the current $13,000 contribution limit. (The limit is rising by $1,000 every year to $15,000 in 2006, and people over 50 may be able to "catch up" with even higher contributions.)

If you're hesitant to raise your contribution for fear it will eat up too much of your take-home pay, raise your savings slowly. Most plans allow you to log on to their site and change your contribution rate as you see fit.

You may not even notice the additional one or two or three percent coming out of your check. But that extra amount will go a long way toward securing your golden years.



Americans may live longer and cost more -- study

By JoAnne Allen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans may live significantly longer in the future than current U.S. government projections, and that could mean sharply higher costs than anticipated for Medicare and other programs, researchers reported on Monday.

The researchers say that by 2050 Americans may live as much as eight years longer than government forecasts and that spending by Medicare and Social Security could rise by $3.2 trillion to $8.3 trillion above current projections.

Advances in medical care will accelerate, stretching out lifespans, the MacArthur Research Network on an Aging Society wrote in the report, published in The Milbank Quarterly.

"If we're right we've got a problem," Dr. Jack Rowe of Columbia University's School of Public Health and chairman of the MacArthur Research Network said in a telephone interview. "Can we really afford to have everybody quit work at 65?"

The research did not address any effects of longer lifespan on the current effort to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.

U.S. government agencies' projections do not match the study's for increases in life expectancy because they assume improvements in mortality in the coming decades will decelerate, the researchers said.

The study projects that by 2050 life expectancy for women will rise to between 89.2 and 93.3 years and for men from 83.2 to 85.9 years.

The U.S. Census Bureau and the Social Security Administration project lower life expectancy in 2050 -- no more than 85.3 years for females and 80.9 years for males.

"We don't know that we're right but we think rather than using these conservative estimates the nation is better served by having a range of estimates that include the potential for continued advances," Rowe said.

Rowe said there are other overlooked, but equally important implications that could arise from having an older and larger population than expected.

He said the work force, education system, the way cities are laid out and and the retirement systems were not designed to support an aging society.

(Editing by Maggie Fox and Cynthia Osterman)

(Source:The Star, Malaysia)



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Kita Bukan Merancang untuk GAGAL, tetapi KITA GAGAL MERANCANG kehidupan Kita

>> Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Adakah anda berminat untuk menjamin/mengekalkan pendapatan dan gaya hidup anda tidak kira apa juga yang berlaku dalam hidup anda?

DIPERLUKAN SEGERA: Rakyat Malaysia Yang Ingin mengekalkan Pendapatan atau gaya hidup setiap hari walaupun kejadian luar jangka menimpa diri anda........Tidak kira apa yang berlaku, anda masih mampu membayar ccm kereta, malah mungkin selesaikan hutang2 kereta, rumah, pinjaman peribadi, dan sebagainya hanya dengan sekali payment.......Menarik bukan????? But how???? Tell me how????

Selain itu, Kemahiran dan pengalaman tidak diperlukan. Tiada had umur,DAN yang paling penting, anda bebas menentukan sendiri setinggi mana hasil yang anda mahukan-

RE: Ubah Nasib Anda (Dan Hidup seperti biasa!) walau kejadian luar jangka menimpa anda!


Bayangkan anda ubah nasib hidup anda keseluruhannya 48 jam dari sekarang.

Bayangkan anda boleh lakukan semua ini tanpa perlu meminjam wang dari ah-long atau bank, memohon pinjaman kerajaan, meminta belas-kasihan saudara-mara.

Persoalannya: Pernahkah anda gagal membayar apa2 juga bil2 yang sampai ke peti surat kita? Setiap kali kita membayar, ertinya orang lain yang akan menikmati wang anda, dan sudah pasti income kita semakin berkurangan....... Next, Berapakah jumlah yang anda sediakan untuk membayar kepada diri sendiri di atas penat lelah bekerja sebulan lebih? Ia boleh jadi dalam bentuk simpanan, perlindungan dan sebagainya..... Andai hidup kita susah ketika masih bekerja ( tidak cukup budget dan sebagainya) hidup akan lebih sengsara jka kita tidak mempunyai apa2 persediaan dari segi kewangan untuk hal2 kecemasan.....

Apapun, Mahukah anda.............

DAPATKAN income anda selama 10 tahun bekerja (atau lebih, terpulang)  dengan satu cara yg ringkas walaupun anda menghadapi masa2 yang sukar dalam hidup (e.g terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya dan tidak mampu bekerja lagi). sebagai contoh, salary anda rm3500 x12 bulan x 10 tahun = rm420,000.... Siapa yg terlalu baik hati untuk memberi anda 10 tahun gaji anda ketika anda sangat2 memerlukan wang dan tidak mampu bekerja lagi?

MAMPU Bayar semua hutang lapuk kad kredit anda dalam masa beberapa bulan? No jobs=No Money, Outstanding Debt Increase!!!!!!!!! iTU adalah hakikat kehidupan sekarang..... Tapi, andai anda tahu satu cara yg ringkas tapi bermakna, Anda MAMPU  selesaikan semua hutang piutang anda sekaligus......  

Kekalkan gaya hidup walaupun tidak bekerja,(kereta masih ada, rumah masih ada, dsb). Mustahil??? Tidak juga kalau anda tahu cara2 nya....

Saya pasti anda ingin lakukan satu atau dua perkara di atas, atau mungkin kesemuanya. Kalau tidak, pasti anda sudah berhenti membaca mesej ini, bukan?

Sekarang, dengar apa yang ingin saya katakan... dengar dengan teliti.

Segala-galanya yang saya sampaikan di laman blog ini adalah mustahak. Sangat mustahak sekali bagi saya dan kita semua yg pasti mempunyai impian tersendiri......

Saya bakal tunjukkan anda satu cara, untuk mendapat apa yang anda impikan, ............................


TRIPLE LIFE PROTECTOR @TLP (latest in the market)

>> Tuesday, December 01, 2009


TRIPLE LIFE PROTECTOR or TLP is the latest product and just 1 month in the market......

This TLP is actually will cover all of your life insurances needs or just to complete your life insurances programmes.

what are the benefits from this TLP?

1.GUARANTEED no investment risk

2.GUARANTEED 15% Cash Pay-out at the end of the 5th year of the policy

3.GUARANTEED 15% Cash Pay-out every 3 years thereafter

4.GUARANTEED Life insurance protection until you’re 85 years old

5.GUARANTEED TPD cover until you’re 65 years old

6.GUARANTEED Premium level & to be paid for 20 years only (LIMITED or FULL TERM)

7.GUARANTEED Sell-back value whenever you wish

8.GUARANTEED Full face-value pay back at maturity


How much is enough for you????

>> Monday, November 23, 2009


No one knows what the future holds....

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No one knows what the future holds. Hopefully, only good things are in store for you.
But realistically, bad things will happen too. Even if you don't consider yourself a cautious person, you take little steps every day to improve the odds that good things will happen and guard against the possibility of bad things happening.
1.You wear seatbelts.

2.You lock your doors when you leave home.

3. You try to eat well and exercise.

In other words, you may not be able to control the future, but you can stand up to it. You don't have to get wet when it rains. You can carry an umbrella.
True, it's easy to take these little steps. The bigger steps, though, can require contemplating some pretty unpleasant things. What would happen to your family if you became ill or injured and couldn't work? Or, worse yet, if you died? Or if your spouse died?

Standing up to the future means making sure you and your family can carry on, even in the face of a disaster. That's where life insurance and other forms of insurance come in.

Life insurance won't guarantee you'll never face a tragic situation, just as wearing a seat belt won't keep you from crashing your car. But it will provide your family with financial protection. And whatever hopes and dreams you have for your loved ones can still be realized, even if the worst were to happen.

That's why we say LIFE Happens. It really does. No matter what the future throws at you. Take a look around our site and learn more about life insurance and how it can help safeguard a secure financial future for those you love.


If you still wondering why you should purchase life insurance, consider the following reasons....

1. To pay final expenses

2. To replace income for your dependents

3. To ensure an inheritence for your heirs.

4. To create a source to savings.


7 wonders of life insurances

The "7 wonders of Life Insurance"will remind you of the many ways life insurances can be life changing:-

Life Insurance:

1. Buy Time-Allows loved ones to focus on their grief instead of worrying about how to pay for the funeral and also other final expenses.

2. Provide a Frest Start-Lets LOVED ones start with a clean state by helping to pay off credit card bills, outstanding loans and even the mortage.

3. Generates Income-Helps replace lost income for years to come so that the surviving family members can continue to pay for life's necessities.

4. Offer Flexibility- Gives surviving family members tiime off from work or transition to a more adaptable work schedule.

5. Create Opportunities- Can provide funding to start a business or pay for schooling to train for a new career.

6. Funds the Future- Offers a way to fund longer-range goals, college education for the children or a comfortable retirement for a surviving spouse.

7. Helps leave a legacy- Gives Parents the chance to leave future generations with the legacy of long-term financial security....

So my dear friends, think twice before you say 'NO' to this opportunity to boost up your financial security and financial freedom.....

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